A number of LRRA Hams got together on Saturday September 23, 2023 to watch and help K0BCL Brian Lewis put up his Rohn 25G tower. When we arrived at 9:00 AM, the site was already prepared to put up the 3rd and 4th sections. Each section is 10′ long. The first section is buried 4′, leaving 6′ above the concrete. Total tower height 36′.
Continue reading Tower Raising Project in Alexandria, NHAll posts by Ralph Simons
Liberty Repeater and Newfound Lake Marathon
From: Sam Sargent <n1sfm@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 1:36 PM
To: Clayton N1VAU Ferry; Murphy P Bob N1KWH; Jim N1CRZ Robinton; Dave Worrall; Dave Megin; Cliff Dickinson; Justin Thibeault
Subject: Testing Liberty Hill repeater 9/5/23
Hello all,
Bob N1KWH, Clayton N1VAU & I enjoyed another pleasant B&B at T-Bones in LCI last evening. There was lots of good conversation. It was good to catch up.
Among the topics thoroughly discussed was the “Liberty” repeater 147.240+ (88.5 Hz) that has been installed on the tower that Clayton owns atop Liberty Hill in Gilford, NH. This machine is associated with the “603” radio club that Clayton & Rick Zack have established.
Continue reading Liberty Repeater and Newfound Lake MarathonNH ARES Announces New Facebook Page
Hampden County Radio Association: We’ve got a Facebook page up and running for New Hampshire ARES. If there is anything that you would like me to post on the page please get it to me and I’ll take care of it. For those clubs and ARES units that I found have Facebook pages, I’ve either followed or joined your pages to link us all together. Please pass this on to your members so that they can view and participate in the Facebook page. Hopefully this outreach effort will gain some traction and interest in ARES and boost out unit membership as we definitely need some help.
Continue reading NH ARES Announces New Facebook Page2023 Antique Wireless Association Conference
The Big E – A Note from Larry W1AST
[Editor’s note: Some of us are not familiar with The Big E. I did some searching, and it appears to be an event in West Springfield, MA. The URL later in this message took me to a website for 2022. If this is something in which you are interested in participating, please contact Larry (W1AST) for more information.]
We are doing another ham radio booth at the Big E this September. The dates are Friday, September 15th through Sunday, October 1st. The goal is to introduce Ham radio to the general public, show that it is still relevant, and to interest the public in signing up for ham courses. Just like last year there are two shifts per day with each one being 6 hours long. Each shift requires 3 people in the booth this year. We are making changes in the layout of the booth to make it more friendly to the public in the hopes to draw more people in.
Continue reading The Big E – A Note from Larry W1ASTPublic Service Announcement September 2023
What is Ham Radio?
What is Ham Radio? It’s the most fun you can have with a radio. You can talk to people around the world, and even orbiting the earth, learn about electronics and be of service to your community.
There are thousands of amateur radio organizations across our country serving over 760 thousand licensed Hams, interacting with about a million more Hams worldwide.
Contact us to learn more about our local ham radio organization.
Lakes Region Repeater Association
***Enhanced Communication with Seamless Interoperability***
Listen to our Pubic Service Announcement on
WMEK 88.1 FM WRKJ 88.5 FM WWPC 91.7 FM WWLK 101.5 FM WLKZ 104.9 FM WSEW 88.7 FM
2023 Fourth of July Parade
4th of July Parade Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Ham Radio Field Day 2023
LRRA Fourth of July Parade Float 2022 and 2023
4th of July, 2022 Parade Float
President Bob Nelson N1EUN with Ryan and Mark

4th of July Parade, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 2021
Hello everyone. Thank you David N1DOU, Rich K1RBC, Don W1DND, Brian K0BCL, Frank W1WU, Jane W2REX, Jim NX3Z, John K1UAF and Ryan for your help on the 4th of July parade. Our efforts contributed to the parade’s success. Also, we had positive feedback from our first ever LRRA parade entry. Bob N1EUN President of LRRA
